This category consists of cattle of varying breeds in relation to the country where the animals are male and whose ages are below 12 months and whose weights are between 0/300 Kg. These animals are strictly intended for meat production. After the importation of specific products, they are subject to quarantine in 21 days after they are imported and necessary tests are carried out. If no obstacle is found after the tests, the approval is given to the importation by the related agriculture directorate. Feeding these animals is of great importance in meat quality. Misfeeding changes the rantability of the meat ratio by causing the animal to be lubricated. Rendams range from 55/65 depending on the condition of the fattening conditions. The daily average weight of these animals ranges from 1.5kg to 2kg. These are two groups for nutrition purposes:
a) Buckles (without balls); which can not be used in mating and short-term weight gain. The ideal weight is around 500 kg. When they are found, the cuts are correct in terms of marginal return. But nutrition requires a good lesion.
b) unsteady (normal) consultants; They can be used for both meat and production purposes. Because they are animals, they are good for breeding and continuing activities. Animals are more breeders. Rangers are more than sprained counselors.